import QUnit from 'qunit'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import playItem from '../src/play-item'; import {clearTracks} from '../src/play-item'; import playerProxyMaker from './player-proxy-maker'; QUnit.module('play-item'); QUnit.test('clearTracks will try and remove all tracks', function(assert) { const player = playerProxyMaker(); const remoteTracks = [1, 2, 3]; const removedTracks = []; player.remoteTextTracks = function() { return remoteTracks; }; player.removeRemoteTextTrack = function(tt) { removedTracks.push(tt); }; clearTracks(player); assert.deepEqual( removedTracks.sort(), remoteTracks.sort(), 'the removed tracks are equivalent to our remote tracks' ); }); QUnit.test('will not try to play if paused', function(assert) { const player = playerProxyMaker(); let tryPlay = false; player.paused = function() { return true; }; = function() { tryPlay = true; }; playItem(player, { sources: [1, 2, 3], textTracks: [4, 5, 6], poster: '' }); assert.ok(!tryPlay, 'we did not reply on paused'); }); QUnit.test('will try to play if not paused', function(assert) { const player = playerProxyMaker(); let tryPlay = false; player.paused = function() { return false; }; = function() { tryPlay = true; }; playItem(player, { sources: [1, 2, 3], textTracks: [4, 5, 6], poster: '' }); assert.ok(tryPlay, 'we replayed on not-paused'); }); QUnit.test('will not try to play if paused and not ended', function(assert) { const player = playerProxyMaker(); let tryPlay = false; player.paused = function() { return true; }; player.ended = function() { return false; }; = function() { tryPlay = true; }; playItem(player, { sources: [1, 2, 3], textTracks: [4, 5, 6], poster: '' }); assert.ok(!tryPlay, 'we did not replaye on paused and not ended'); }); QUnit.test('will try to play if paused and ended', function(assert) { const player = playerProxyMaker(); let tryPlay = false; player.paused = function() { return true; }; player.ended = function() { return true; }; = function() { tryPlay = true; }; playItem(player, { sources: [1, 2, 3], poster: '' }); assert.ok(tryPlay, 'we replayed on not-paused'); }); QUnit.test('fires "beforeplaylistitem" and "playlistitem"', function(assert) { const player = playerProxyMaker(); const beforeSpy = sinon.spy(); const spy = sinon.spy(); player.on('beforeplaylistitem', beforeSpy); player.on('playlistitem', spy); playItem(player, { sources: [1, 2, 3], poster: '' }); assert.strictEqual(beforeSpy.callCount, 1); assert.strictEqual(spy.callCount, 1); });