/*! @name videojs-playlist @version 4.2.6 @license Apache-2.0 */ 'use strict'; function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; } var videojs = _interopDefault(require('video.js')); /** * Validates a number of seconds to use as the auto-advance delay. * * @private * @param {number} s * The number to check * * @return {boolean} * Whether this is a valid second or not */ var validSeconds = function validSeconds(s) { return typeof s === 'number' && !isNaN(s) && s >= 0 && s < Infinity; }; /** * Resets the auto-advance behavior of a player. * * @param {Player} player * The player to reset the behavior on */ var reset = function reset(player) { var aa = player.playlist.autoadvance_; if (aa.timeout) { player.clearTimeout(aa.timeout); } if (aa.trigger) { player.off('ended', aa.trigger); } aa.timeout = null; aa.trigger = null; }; /** * Sets up auto-advance behavior on a player. * * @param {Player} player * the current player * * @param {number} delay * The number of seconds to wait before each auto-advance. * * @return {undefined} * Used to short circuit function logic */ var setup = function setup(player, delay) { reset(player); // Before queuing up new auto-advance behavior, check if `seconds` was // called with a valid value. if (!validSeconds(delay)) { player.playlist.autoadvance_.delay = null; return; } player.playlist.autoadvance_.delay = delay; player.playlist.autoadvance_.trigger = function () { // This calls setup again, which will reset the existing auto-advance and // set up another auto-advance for the next "ended" event. var cancelOnPlay = function cancelOnPlay() { return setup(player, delay); }; // If there is a "play" event while we're waiting for an auto-advance, // we need to cancel the auto-advance. This could mean the user seeked // back into the content or restarted the content. This is reproducible // with an auto-advance > 0. player.one('play', cancelOnPlay); player.playlist.autoadvance_.timeout = player.setTimeout(function () { reset(player); player.off('play', cancelOnPlay); player.playlist.next(); }, delay * 1000); }; player.one('ended', player.playlist.autoadvance_.trigger); }; /** * Removes all remote text tracks from a player. * * @param {Player} player * The player to clear tracks on */ var clearTracks = function clearTracks(player) { var tracks = player.remoteTextTracks(); var i = tracks && tracks.length || 0; // This uses a `while` loop rather than `forEach` because the // `TextTrackList` object is a live DOM list (not an array). while (i--) { player.removeRemoteTextTrack(tracks[i]); } }; /** * Plays an item on a player's playlist. * * @param {Player} player * The player to play the item on * * @param {Object} item * A source from the playlist. * * @return {Player} * The player that is now playing the item */ var playItem = function playItem(player, item) { var replay = !player.paused() || player.ended(); player.trigger('beforeplaylistitem', item); player.poster(item.poster || ''); player.src(item.sources); clearTracks(player); player.ready(function () { (item.textTracks || []).forEach(player.addRemoteTextTrack.bind(player)); player.trigger('playlistitem', item); if (replay) { var playPromise = player.play(); // silence error when a pause interrupts a play request // on browsers which return a promise if (typeof playPromise !== 'undefined' && typeof playPromise.then === 'function') { playPromise.then(null, function (e) {}); } } setup(player, player.playlist.autoadvance_.delay); }); return player; }; /** * Given two sources, check to see whether the two sources are equal. * If both source urls have a protocol, the protocols must match, otherwise, protocols * are ignored. * * @private * @param {string|Object} source1 * The first source * * @param {string|Object} source2 * The second source * * @return {boolean} * The result */ var sourceEquals = function sourceEquals(source1, source2) { var src1 = source1; var src2 = source2; if (typeof source1 === 'object') { src1 = source1.src; } if (typeof source2 === 'object') { src2 = source2.src; } if (/^\/\//.test(src1)) { src2 = src2.slice(src2.indexOf('//')); } if (/^\/\//.test(src2)) { src1 = src1.slice(src1.indexOf('//')); } return src1 === src2; }; /** * Look through an array of playlist items for a specific `source`; * checking both the value of elements and the value of their `src` * property. * * @private * @param {Array} arr * An array of playlist items to look through * * @param {string} src * The source to look for * * @return {number} * The index of that source or -1 */ var indexInSources = function indexInSources(arr, src) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var sources = arr[i].sources; if (Array.isArray(sources)) { for (var j = 0; j < sources.length; j++) { var source = sources[j]; if (source && sourceEquals(source, src)) { return i; } } } } return -1; }; /** * Randomize the contents of an array. * * @private * @param {Array} arr * An array. * * @return {Array} * The same array that was passed in. */ var randomize = function randomize(arr) { var index = -1; var lastIndex = arr.length - 1; while (++index < arr.length) { var rand = index + Math.floor(Math.random() * (lastIndex - index + 1)); var value = arr[rand]; arr[rand] = arr[index]; arr[index] = value; } return arr; }; /** * Factory function for creating new playlist implementation on the given player. * * API summary: * * playlist(['a', 'b', 'c']) // setter * playlist() // getter * playlist.currentItem() // getter, 0 * playlist.currentItem(1) // setter, 1 * playlist.next() // 'c' * playlist.previous() // 'b' * playlist.first() // 'a' * playlist.last() // 'c' * playlist.autoadvance(5) // 5 second delay * playlist.autoadvance() // cancel autoadvance * * @param {Player} player * The current player * * @param {Array=} initialList * If given, an initial list of sources with which to populate * the playlist. * * @param {number=} initialIndex * If given, the index of the item in the list that should * be loaded first. If -1, no video is loaded. If omitted, The * the first video is loaded. * * @return {Function} * Returns the playlist function specific to the given player. */ function factory(player, initialList, initialIndex) { if (initialIndex === void 0) { initialIndex = 0; } var list = null; var changing = false; /** * Get/set the playlist for a player. * * This function is added as an own property of the player and has its * own methods which can be called to manipulate the internal state. * * @param {Array} [newList] * If given, a new list of sources with which to populate the * playlist. Without this, the function acts as a getter. * * @param {number} [newIndex] * If given, the index of the item in the list that should * be loaded first. If -1, no video is loaded. If omitted, The * the first video is loaded. * * @return {Array} * The playlist */ var playlist = player.playlist = function (newList, newIndex) { if (newIndex === void 0) { newIndex = 0; } if (changing) { throw new Error('do not call playlist() during a playlist change'); } if (Array.isArray(newList)) { // @todo - Simplify this to `list.slice()` for v5. var previousPlaylist = Array.isArray(list) ? list.slice() : null; list = newList.slice(); // Mark the playlist as changing during the duringplaylistchange lifecycle. changing = true; player.trigger({ type: 'duringplaylistchange', nextIndex: newIndex, nextPlaylist: list, previousIndex: playlist.currentIndex_, // @todo - Simplify this to simply pass along `previousPlaylist` for v5. previousPlaylist: previousPlaylist || [] }); changing = false; if (newIndex !== -1) { playlist.currentItem(newIndex); } // The only time the previous playlist is null is the first call to this // function. This allows us to fire the `duringplaylistchange` event // every time the playlist is populated and to maintain backward // compatibility by not firing the `playlistchange` event on the initial // population of the list. // // @todo - Remove this condition in preparation for v5. if (previousPlaylist) { player.setTimeout(function () { player.trigger('playlistchange'); }, 0); } } // Always return a shallow clone of the playlist list. return list.slice(); }; // On a new source, if there is no current item, disable auto-advance. player.on('loadstart', function () { if (playlist.currentItem() === -1) { reset(player); } }); playlist.currentIndex_ = -1; playlist.player_ = player; playlist.autoadvance_ = {}; playlist.repeat_ = false; /** * Get or set the current item in the playlist. * * During the duringplaylistchange event, acts only as a getter. * * @param {number} [index] * If given as a valid value, plays the playlist item at that index. * * @return {number} * The current item index. */ playlist.currentItem = function (index) { // If the playlist is changing, only act as a getter. if (changing) { return playlist.currentIndex_; } if (typeof index === 'number' && playlist.currentIndex_ !== index && index >= 0 && index < list.length) { playlist.currentIndex_ = index; playItem(playlist.player_, list[playlist.currentIndex_]); } else { playlist.currentIndex_ = playlist.indexOf(playlist.player_.currentSrc() || ''); } return playlist.currentIndex_; }; /** * Checks if the playlist contains a value. * * @param {string|Object|Array} value * The value to check * * @return {boolean} * The result */ playlist.contains = function (value) { return playlist.indexOf(value) !== -1; }; /** * Gets the index of a value in the playlist or -1 if not found. * * @param {string|Object|Array} value * The value to find the index of * * @return {number} * The index or -1 */ playlist.indexOf = function (value) { if (typeof value === 'string') { return indexInSources(list, value); } var sources = Array.isArray(value) ? value : value.sources; for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { var source = sources[i]; if (typeof source === 'string') { return indexInSources(list, source); } else if (source.src) { return indexInSources(list, source.src); } } return -1; }; /** * Get the index of the current item in the playlist. This is identical to * calling `currentItem()` with no arguments. * * @return {number} * The current item index. */ playlist.currentIndex = function () { return playlist.currentItem(); }; /** * Get the index of the last item in the playlist. * * @return {number} * The index of the last item in the playlist or -1 if there are no * items. */ playlist.lastIndex = function () { return list.length - 1; }; /** * Get the index of the next item in the playlist. * * @return {number} * The index of the next item in the playlist or -1 if there is no * current item. */ playlist.nextIndex = function () { var current = playlist.currentItem(); if (current === -1) { return -1; } var lastIndex = playlist.lastIndex(); // When repeating, loop back to the beginning on the last item. if (playlist.repeat_ && current === lastIndex) { return 0; } // Don't go past the end of the playlist. return Math.min(current + 1, lastIndex); }; /** * Get the index of the previous item in the playlist. * * @return {number} * The index of the previous item in the playlist or -1 if there is * no current item. */ playlist.previousIndex = function () { var current = playlist.currentItem(); if (current === -1) { return -1; } // When repeating, loop back to the end of the playlist. if (playlist.repeat_ && current === 0) { return playlist.lastIndex(); } // Don't go past the beginning of the playlist. return Math.max(current - 1, 0); }; /** * Plays the first item in the playlist. * * @return {Object|undefined} * Returns undefined and has no side effects if the list is empty. */ playlist.first = function () { if (changing) { return; } if (list.length) { return list[playlist.currentItem(0)]; } playlist.currentIndex_ = -1; }; /** * Plays the last item in the playlist. * * @return {Object|undefined} * Returns undefined and has no side effects if the list is empty. */ playlist.last = function () { if (changing) { return; } if (list.length) { return list[playlist.currentItem(playlist.lastIndex())]; } playlist.currentIndex_ = -1; }; /** * Plays the next item in the playlist. * * @return {Object|undefined} * Returns undefined and has no side effects if on last item. */ playlist.next = function () { if (changing) { return; } var index = playlist.nextIndex(); if (index !== playlist.currentIndex_) { return list[playlist.currentItem(index)]; } }; /** * Plays the previous item in the playlist. * * @return {Object|undefined} * Returns undefined and has no side effects if on first item. */ playlist.previous = function () { if (changing) { return; } var index = playlist.previousIndex(); if (index !== playlist.currentIndex_) { return list[playlist.currentItem(index)]; } }; /** * Set up auto-advance on the playlist. * * @param {number} [delay] * The number of seconds to wait before each auto-advance. */ playlist.autoadvance = function (delay) { setup(playlist.player_, delay); }; /** * Sets `repeat` option, which makes the "next" video of the last video in * the playlist be the first video in the playlist. * * @param {boolean} [val] * The value to set repeat to * * @return {boolean} * The current value of repeat */ playlist.repeat = function (val) { if (val === undefined) { return playlist.repeat_; } if (typeof val !== 'boolean') { videojs.log.error('videojs-playlist: Invalid value for repeat', val); return; } playlist.repeat_ = !!val; return playlist.repeat_; }; /** * Sorts the playlist array. * * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort} * @fires playlistsorted * * @param {Function} compare * A comparator function as per the native Array method. */ playlist.sort = function (compare) { // Bail if the array is empty. if (!list.length) { return; } list.sort(compare); // If the playlist is changing, don't trigger events. if (changing) { return; } /** * Triggered after the playlist is sorted internally. * * @event playlistsorted * @type {Object} */ player.trigger('playlistsorted'); }; /** * Reverses the playlist array. * * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/reverse} * @fires playlistsorted */ playlist.reverse = function () { // Bail if the array is empty. if (!list.length) { return; } list.reverse(); // If the playlist is changing, don't trigger events. if (changing) { return; } /** * Triggered after the playlist is sorted internally. * * @event playlistsorted * @type {Object} */ player.trigger('playlistsorted'); }; /** * Shuffle the contents of the list randomly. * * @see {@link https://github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/40e096b6d5291a025e365a0f4c010d9a0efb9a69/shuffle.js} * @fires playlistsorted * @todo Make the `rest` option default to `true` in v5.0.0. * @param {Object} [options] * An object containing shuffle options. * * @param {boolean} [options.rest = false] * By default, the entire playlist is randomized. However, this may * not be desirable in all cases, such as when a user is already * watching a video. * * When `true` is passed for this option, it will only shuffle * playlist items after the current item. For example, when on the * first item, will shuffle the second item and beyond. */ playlist.shuffle = function (_temp) { var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp, rest = _ref.rest; var index = 0; var arr = list; // When options.rest is true, start randomization at the item after the // current item. if (rest) { index = playlist.currentIndex_ + 1; arr = list.slice(index); } // Bail if the array is empty or too short to shuffle. if (arr.length <= 1) { return; } randomize(arr); // When options.rest is true, splice the randomized sub-array back into // the original array. if (rest) { var _list; (_list = list).splice.apply(_list, [index, arr.length].concat(arr)); } // If the playlist is changing, don't trigger events. if (changing) { return; } /** * Triggered after the playlist is sorted internally. * * @event playlistsorted * @type {Object} */ player.trigger('playlistsorted'); }; // If an initial list was given, populate the playlist with it. if (Array.isArray(initialList)) { playlist(initialList.slice(), initialIndex); // If there is no initial list given, silently set an empty array. } else { list = []; } return playlist; } var version = "4.2.6"; var registerPlugin = videojs.registerPlugin || videojs.plugin; /** * The video.js playlist plugin. Invokes the playlist-maker to create a * playlist function on the specific player. * * @param {Array} list * a list of sources * * @param {number} item * The index to start at */ var plugin = function plugin(list, item) { factory(this, list, item); }; registerPlugin('playlist', plugin); plugin.VERSION = version; module.exports = plugin;